29/10/2024 22:03 :

You may ask why we posted two Blog entries in one day at this date. The answer is simple, the last one refered to yesterday while this one the 'now' current retells.

At the 29th of Oktober We as the subject [RHA] officially initiated the Nightwalkers Program, a self experiment primarily intended to research our reaction to sever insomnia. During this we expanded upon the website and added onto it.
We listened to a large amount of music during the day-time, including:

The Website hit a new high of 537 people that lost their way here, a surprisingly high number considering the meaninglessnes this place bears.
We completed the second day of a thirty minute plank challenge (25s).
And that sums the events of this day up. We dont know what we put into a personal blog, but we hope we may figure it out while we continue to work on this project.

-Signed RHA