
Past: gone by in time and no longer existing
Time: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole
Existence: the fact or state of living or having objective reality.
Present: the now
The now thats gone again.
Every breath you take now was in the past by now.

Actions in the future already happened in the past. They are not to be reversed.

To every action follows reaction.
Actions bear conseqzencws.
Conseqzences that may or may not be wished for.
Unwanted conseqzences may be regarded as negative.
Negative reactions lead to the unwant of the original action.

The unwant of Actions, be it the doing or the absence of doing is known as [regret]

We Regret having done actions that lead to unwanted negative reactions.
We unwant a large amount of past actions.

Past: gone by in time and no longer existing

Unability may or may not lead to: [Despair]
Despair is the messenger of misery.

Free Yourself of misery and accept a world free of unwanted negative consequences.
A world free of reactions
A world free of Actions.

[The Void]

Void: absence of Existence